Noni juice used to be proudly displayed on the shelves of many a natural health store, just very few years ago. However, with the emergence of a myriad of new juice discoveries: Goji, Mangosteen, Acai, Pomegranate, and Tart Cherry, Noni juice has lost its leading role. But do all these new and more popular juices make noni less effective?
Noni juice comes from a tropical flowering shrubs (Morinda citrofolia)of exotic regions and islands such as Tahiti, Hawaii, Southeast Asia and many of the Pacfic and Polynesian islands. The large noni fruit has a strong odour and taste and often has to be sweetened to be palatable. This being said, the long list of antioxidant benefits of noni juice are very impressive.

Benefits of noni juice
The Polynesian people have been using noni juice for many years to help in the treatment of high blood pressure, diabetes, gout, arthritis, burns, lung and cough disorders, both parasitic and bacterial infections, cancers and the list goes on.
All parts of the plant have been used for healing in many of the cultures where the Morinda citrofolia plant is found, however, for popular use it is sold and consumed in mainly a juice form.Noni juice is a powerful source of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that may help with specific conditions and age-related deteriorations.
A warning note
The effects of noni juice, although tested on animals, has not been widely studied. In all cases using natural products such as noni, the user should never exceed the recommended dosage and should also speak to a health practitioner, citing all their personal daily medications before beginning. Also, because there is a high amount of potassium in noni, those who are on a potassium-restricted diet should not take noni juice.
Always start with less-first, in case of an allergic reaction.
Resurrecting noni juice
With all the benefits of this exotic fruit juice, noni may be worth a second look in today’s modern market. The peoples of these tropical countries and regions have been enjoying its benefits for years.
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